Celebrate Petencost

As Christians, we’ve all sat in the congregation and listened to the story of the flames that appeared above the heads of Jesus’ disciples. And we all know Pentecost falls on the 50th day of Easter. But what does the holy day really mean? And how do you celebrate it?

Pentecost, from the Greek pentecosté meaning 50th day, is the festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples after his Ascension. It marks the beginning of the Church’s mission to spread the word of God around the world. What most don’t know, however, is that this day was actually first celebrated as the Jewish Pentecost, a day of remembrance of the Law God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. So when the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles, it was believed to be a gift to the followers of Christ, a sign of the new dispensation that fulfilled and succeeded the old dispensation of the Law.

Now that you understand the meaning of Pentecost, how do you celebrate it?

  1. Go to church.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but many Christians don’t attend regularly. In most churches, this Sunday’s message will recount the events of Pentecost—think of it as a refresher course. Pay attention to the words as they’re read, so they’re fresh in your mind for the sermon. Following the reading(s), the preacher will likely reflect on the meaning of the passage and offer insight into how we can adapt the lesson and make it relevant in our own lives.

  1. Set spiritual goals.

Pentecost is widely accepted as “the beginning of the Church.” Draw inspiration from the disciples’ mission and find ways to spread Christ’s message in today’s world. Whether taking part in Sunday services by joining the choir, reading the Bible with your family or sharing daily prayers on social media, our Christian mission to spread the word of God is still extremely important today.

  1. Pray to the Holy Spirit

As part of the Holy Trinity, it’s important to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit just as we do Christ the son and God the father. The Holy Spirit works to inspire Christians to live in the image of Jesus and empower us to continue his ministry. He lives within each and every one of us, and doing God’s work and striving to model your life after Christ will only make His presence stronger. But in today’s world, where distractions are all around us, it can be easy to stray from the path. When you feel the need, pray to the Holy Spirit for inspiration.