
A candlelit dinner and a bouquet of red roses have stood their ground as anniversary essentials. But as popular as the two may be, they create more of a memorable date night than a celebration of the life you’ve built together.

This year, spend your anniversary honoring your marital triumphs, remembering the unforgettable memories you’ve made together, and connecting in the faith your share.

With the launch of our new Anniversary Prayer Pack, we’ve compiled a list of ways to incorporate your faithful blessings into gifts that will help you enjoy a more meaningful celebration—and grow even closer in the process.

Create a “Remember when?” Jar

Remember Jar

Life is busy. Days seem to fly by like seconds and before you know it, an entire year has passed. It’s easy to loose track of time, but even the fastest and most mundane days have moments worth celebrating.

Create a space to hold all of the special, albeit, fleeting moments you share with your partner. Grab a mason jar and dub it your “remember when” jar—you can even decorate it if you’re feeling crafty. Throughout the year, fill the jar with tokens of your favorite moments and memories you’ve written down on slips of paper. Start each memory with the words “remember when…” and end it with a question mark. The memories can be funny, romantic, serious, or special—anything goes. Include prayers you’ve said for each other or print out your favorite blessing from the Share-A-Prayer app.

On your anniversary, read your memories and prayers aloud and relive the past year all over again.

Craft a Shadow Box Time Capsule

wedding shadow box

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If you’re someone that’s always saving ticket stubs, date night receipts, concert tickets and other mementos, this one’s for you. Use a shadow box to create a “time capsule” that commemorates your relationship.

Any craft stores will have a variety of shadow boxes to choose from. Pick your favorite and decorate the inside. Printing out blessings from our new Anniversary prayer pack to include in a collage of pictures with your spouse will help deepen your faithful connection and serve as a reminder to create more faith-filled memories.

Include photographs, love notes, postcards from a special vacation, recipes from a cooking class you took together, anything that’s meaningful to you.

Tip: Make your own individual shadow boxes to share with each other on your anniversary. The exchange will be a fun, romantic way to see your relationship from your partner’s perspective and express your love for one another.

Set Relationship Resolutions

Relationship Resolution

An anniversary marks both the celebration of another year spent in love and the start of a brand new year together. Start a relationship “bucket list” and set resolutions to celebrate the best parts of your relationship and bring you closer together. Do you both love traveling? Book a trip to a place you’ve never been before for an experience you’ll never forget. Are you nature lovers? Take a hike to the highest spot in your hometown and look out over the city. Want to spend more quality time together? Set aside one night a week to completely unplug from technology. Embarking on new adventures together will enliven the spontaneous spirit in your relationship.

After you decide on your resolutions, promise to encourage each other to accomplish your relationship goals. Simple actions that show you care could make a big difference. Take a look at our new Anniversary prayer pack for some inspiration. Turn these promises into vows for the upcoming year and recite them to each other on your anniversary—use God as your witness and remain accountable to each other year after year.