Celebrated on November 1st, All Saints Day is a solemnity that commemorates the lives of the saints, including all of the lesser known saints. Early Christians held feasts to commemorate the deaths of martyrs. Due to persecution during the 4th Century AD, the number of martyrs grew to exceed the days of the year. Rather than overlook a single martyr, a day was set aside for to remember all Christian martyrs. When the persecution lessened and Christians were free to worship, the Church recognized that martyrdom was not the only route to sainthood. All Saints Day now includes all who have received the beatific vision in Heaven.

Saints You Should Know

Although the feast day is for all saints, there are some saints whose examples and lives are particularly relevant to the trials faced by modern Christians. We have compiled a short list of saints to inspire your worship on All Saints Day.

All Saints Day

Holy Innocents

The Holy Innocents are the baby boys slaughtered by King Herod shortly after the birth of Jesus. Herod, as King of Judea, was disturbed to hear of the infant King of the Jews. He asked astrologers who were traveling to pay homage to Jesus to report back to him so he may do the same. After delivering their gifts to the Messiah, the astrologers were warned by an angel to avoid Herod. When the astrologers didn’t return, Herod ordered the massacre of all boys, 2 years or younger who lived in or near Bethlehem.

The Holy Innocents are the patron saint of babies. Through the story of their deaths, we are reminded of the sacred nature of every human life and our duty to protect the most innocent among us.

St. Nicholas

A bishop from the 4th Century, Nicholas was known for his generosity and charity. Although the historical facts we have of his life are few, the influence of his legacy is extensive. One of the most well-known stories of Nicholas has served as the basis for the tradition of gift-giving on Christmas. There was a poor man who could not afford the dowries required for his three daughters to marry. If they were not wed, the man’s daughters would be forced into prostitution. To save them from that fate, Nicholas threw a bag of gold into the man’s window on three different occasions. Each bag of gold was enough for the dowry of a single daughter and they were all three able to be married.

St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children. His charity can inspire us to look more closely at our own attachment to material goods, especially during the Christmas season. We should ask ourselves what gifts we give our children and how these gifts encourage them to live a faithful life.

St. John of God

John had given up his faith as a young man. Eventually, when he was in his 40s, he realized that he was leading a sinful life. He was overwhelmed by the sins of his past life and sought to repent through potential martyrdom and public self-flagellation. John was committed to a mental hospital for these actions. St. John of Avila visited John in this hospital and encouraged him to focus on the needs of others. John came to realize that even in his search for repentance, he had thought largely of himself. As he began to shift his attention to those in need, he was able to finally find peace within himself. John created a house for the sick poor where he tended to their needs.

St. John of God is the patron saint of the sick. He cared for those the world had cast aside and declared himself unworthy to eat their bread. His story reminds us that acting in service to others can help us find inner peace.

St. Joseph

God required a lot of Joseph as the husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that Joseph was obedient in all things. He was a just and righteous man who did all God asked of him. In comparison to the other saints, this description may seem uninspiring. But God entrusted Joseph with Mary and Jesus. Joseph protected, provided for, and loved them.

St Joseph is the patron saint of the Church. He obeyed God without question and with a joyful heart. St. Joseph can inspire us to open ourselves up wholeheartedly and joyfully to the will of God.

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