Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, which for a lot of us means that it’s time to decide what to give up for the next 40 days. We understand that finding something that you feel is significant enough to give up can be tough. However, it’s important to remember that it’s not what we give up, but how we use this time as an opportunity to reflect and grow closer to God. If you’re having a hard time thinking of what to give up for Lent, try one -or a few- of these ideas:


  1. Arriving late- Ten minutes early is the new on-time.
  2. Saying “I don’t care”- You do care, go ahead and show it.
  3. Half-heartedly asking someone how they’re doing- Be genuine, you could make their day.
  4. Drinking soda- Lent is a great opportunity to see how you feel without all that sugar.
  5. Impatience- Relax and trust God’s plan for you.
  6. Elevators- When you have the option, take the stairs!
  7. Throwing your recyclables in the trashcan- Show appreciation for God’s creation and keep our earth clean.
  8. Texting at the dinner table- Put your phone down and enjoy your company.
  9. Watching TV before bed- Read a paperback book instead. Your body and mind will thank you.
  10. Shopping for yourself- Instead, look through your closet and donate the clothes that you don’t wear anymore.
  11. Complaining- We have so much to be thankful for. It’s a bad habit that needs to be broken.
  12. Buying coffee- Make your own at home and donate the money you save.
  13. Sharing secrets that aren’t yours to tell- Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.” (Proverbs 21:23)
  14. Making excuses- You’re in charge of your life. Go after what you want and make the most of it.
  15. Touching your phone at all while behind the wheel- God gave you the gift of life, protect it.
  16. Spending hours looking at your friends’ social media profiles- Instead, use your social media presence to spread the word of the Lord by sharing a prayer.
  17. Speeding- Keep yourself and everyone else on the road safe.
  18. Eating fast food- Cleanse your body and mind for spiritual clarity.
  19. Not smiling at strangers- Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7)
  20. Giving up- God never has, so why should you?